Moro Coho Slough Quality Under Intense Real-time Sampling (MCSQUIRTS) - Moss Landing Marine Labs --Data Disclaimer-- Moss Landing Marine Laboratories (MLML) provides these data "as is", with no warranty, expressed or implied, of the data quality or consistency. It is provided without support and without obligation on the part of MLML to assist in its use, correction, modification, or enhancement. For use in publication, authors should obtain written permission from the director of MLML, and acknowledge MLML as the data source in those publications. --Contacts-- Data Manager: Jason Adelaars ( MLML Director: Jim Harvey ( --Data Citation-- [MLML] Moss Landing Marine Labs. 2014. Historical Moro Cojo Slough Water Quality Data (insert date range) [Internet]. [cited (insert date of download)]. Available from: --Brief Narrative-- These instruments are installed in the upper 6 inches of water on a floating platform within the lower Moro Cojo Slough (near Highway 1 culvert). The sensors are cleaned of biofouling and calibrated on a monthly interval Sensors and Calibrations/Redeployments Seabird SUNA v2: YSI EXO1: Sontek ADCP: --Data Units-- utc_time: coordinated universal time unix_time: seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00Z temp: degrees Celcius cond (Conductivity): Siemens per meter Salinity: PSU-78 odo (Dissolved Oxygen): micromole per liter sat (Dissolved Oxygen Saturation): percent (%) pH: pH units stage (relative water level): meters area (relative cross-sectional area of flow in culvert): square meters discharge (volume per unit time in one culvert): cubic meters per second total discharge (volume per unit time in both culverts): cubic meters per second Nitrate_um: micromoles per liter Nitrogen_mg: miligrams per liter bga_rfu:Blue-green algae in relative fluorescence units bga_ugl:Blue-green algae in micrograms per liter chla_rfu:Chlorophyll-a fluorescence in relative fluorescense units chla_ugl:Chlorphyll-a fluorescence in micrograms per liter tds (total dissolved solids):