Historical Weather Data - Moss Landing Marine Labs --Data Disclaimer-- Moss Landing Marine Laboratories (MLML) provides these data "as is", with no warranty, expressed or implied, of the data quality or consistency. It is provided without support and without obligation on the part of MLML to assist in its use, correction, modification, or enhancement. For use in publication, authors should obtain written permission from the director of MLML, and acknowledge MLML as the data source in those publications. --Contacts-- Data Manager: Jason Adelaars (jadelaars@mlml.calstate.edu) MLML Director: Jim Harvey (jharvey@mlml.calstate.edu) --Data Citation-- [MLML] Moss Landing Marine Labs. 2014. Historical Weather Data (insert date range) [Internet]. [cited (insert date of download)]. Available from: pubdata.mlml.calstate.edu --Brief Narrative-- Historical weather data are available from November 2000 to present. From November 2000 to May 2010 the weather station was located on the roof of the main MLML building at 8272 Moss Landing Rd in Moss Landing. The weather station was relocated to 36.80040N, 121.78842W (near the NW end of the Sandholdt Road bridge in Moss Landing) and began operation in October 2010. This is the weather stations current location. Sensors and Calibrations/Redeployments Vaisala HMP155 Temperature/Humidity probe: This probe was giving us issues for quite a while on account of a bad cable. The probe was calibrated in January 2014 and has been operational since June 2014 R.M. Young Company Anemometer LICOR Biosciences Photosynthetic-activating radiation sensor Coastal Environmental Systems Barometric pressure sensor Texas Electronics Tipping Bucket Rain gauge --QAQC-- Quality assurance and quality control analysis based on standards set forth by Integrated Ocean Observing Systems' (IOOS) Quality Assurance for Real-Time Oceanographic Data (QARTOD): http://www.ioos.noaa.gov/qartod/welcome.html Flags as follows--- 1 = Pass; Data have passed critical real-time quality control tests and are deemed adequate for use as preliminary data 2 = Not Evaluated; Data have not been QC-tested, or the information on the quality is not available 3 = Suspect or of High Interest; Data are considered to be either suspect or of high interest to data providers and users. They are flagged suspect to draw further attention to them by operators 4 = Fail; Data are considered to have failed one or more critical real-time QC checks. If they are deciminated at all, it should be readily apparent that they are not of acceptable quality. 9 = Missing data; Data are missing/NULL/NAN --Quality Checking: Data were checked against the following thresholds-- Wind direction: if outside of 0-360 flagged 4 Wind Speed: if outside of 0-25 flagged 4 Air temp: if outside of -40-60 flagged 4, outside -6.6-43.3 flagged 3 Humidity: if outisde of 0-100 flagged 4 Barometric Pressure: if outside of 900-1080 flagged 4 Solar radiance: is outside of -20-3000 flagged 4 rain: if outside of 0-10 inch flagged 3 dew point: flagged same as temp or humidity if they're not 1 evapotranspiration: if radiance, wind speed, temp, or humidity are anything other than 1, evapo flagged as 4 --Data Units-- Wind Speed (wspd): meters per second Wind Direction (wdir): Degrees from North wind is coming from Air temperature (at): degrees Celcius Relative Humidity (rh): percent (%) Solar radiation (sr_1): micromoles photons s^-1 m^-2 of 400-700nm wavelength Solar radiation (sr_2): ignore, deprecated radiance, units unknown Barometric pressure (baro): millibars Rainfall (rain): inches Evapotranspiration (evapo): millimeters per hour Dew Point (dp): degrees Celcius Volts on battery: ignore BIT: ignore Wind gusts (wgst): meters per second