Weather Conditions as of Friday December 13, 2024 16:30:00 PST
Latitude: 36.80040° N, Longitude: 121.78842° W
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Wind Speed:0.90 m/s (1.75 knots)
Wind Direction:17° True
Wind Vectors:
Wind Compass:NNE
Air Temperature:55.04° F (12.80° C )
Dew Point:50.18° F (10.10° C )
Atmospheric Pressure:1019.20 mbar (30.10 in. Hg )
Relative Humidity:83.0%
Rainfall:0.01 inches today
Hourly Rainfall
Cumulative Rainfall (since Oct. 1, 2024):3.04 inches
PAR:14 micromoles s-1 m-2